Kamis, 22 November 2012

How to Choose a Car Exhaust

Knalpot yang stylish dan modern banyak menjadi pilihan karena menyuguhkan hal yang berbeda dan tentu saja menunjukkan kesan tersendiri pada mobil anda
Exhaust standards are sometimes not enough for automotive enthusiasts. Exhaust is stylish and modern, often chosen because it presents a different and certainly showed a distinct impression on your car.

Although many variants are found qualified exhaust, there are some things you should consider in choosing exhaust. This is very important because a suitable exhaust would also be helped maintain the health of your car.

However, if you choose not exhaust fit, this will have negative effects on the health of your car. Therefore, choosing the exhaust can be a consideration you should consider carefully. Here are some ways to choose a car exhaust;

1. The first thing you notice is the exhaust and a set of pipe material used. In choosing exhaust, try to choose from high quality materials. Not only on the outside but also the inside you need to consider before you decide to buy it.

2. Should you choose to use standard exhaust material, namely stainless steel exhaust that you are strong and durable.

3. Should you choose to exhaust the design that suits your car. Many people are happy to choose exhaust that unique and modern design. However, you also need to consider the level of compatibility with your car.

4. For cars that are still manual transmission, try to pay attention to all parts of the exhaust duct, such as headers, resonator and rear muffler.

5. For matic transmission car, you actually simply replace exhaust at the headers only.

6. Note the grooves on the exhaust. Select the curve is good and who is not too extreme. Pipes rounded the curve would be better than a rectangle shaped indentation. This is very important because if you prefer a curve to a rectangle, the flow of exhaust gas from your car will be a little choked up and will give rise to the possibility to pull substandard and the reversal of the flow that would endanger your safety.

7. For those of you who like to pay attention to detail in the form of exhaust design, you should choose a design that suits your taste and of course fits your car.

8. Note also the variation in the size of the exhaust. Variations on the exhaust size typically ranges between 2.5 inches to 3.5 inches and some are up to 4 inches.

9. What if you want to opt for a racing exhaust, headers should be used must also be suitable. You can choose a header tipped wide or menyempituntuk memperceepat exhaust gas flow.

10. If necessary, you can consult with the seller or mechanical exhaust you trust.

11. If you want to change the whole exhaust your car, you should buy a full set.

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