Selasa, 27 November 2012

Choosing the Appropriate Oil

oli mahal belum tentu baik untuk mobil anda
In Indonesia, many brands and types of oil was widely circulated. Each product offers the advantages of each. However, for consumers, to choose the right and suitable oil for your car would be an important thing. One thing you should know is expensive oil is not necessarily good for your car.

If you are not wrong in choosing car oil, would cause your car engine works is not optimal and will eventually damage your engine. Therefore, choosing the right oil to be very important. Here are some tips that you can apply in choosing the right oil for your car;

1. The first thing you notice is the engine specification. You should read the manual first in the instructions for use and maintenance of your car. In the book, you will definitely find the user manual of oil and type of oil which is suitable for your car.

2. Try to pay attention to the level of the oil viscosity. For Toyota cars today have used VVT engine, VVTi or the like, you should use an oil that has a viscosity of 10/40 or 5/30. It is very important to note. Never use an oil with a viscosity of 20/50 as an oil of this type is not suitable for cars with VVT specification, or VVTi.

3. Note the API code in the oil, for the latest cars. Cars that use a new technology will usually provide clues to control sediment and high temperatures will be much better. However, for a production car in 2004 and earlier, you should use oil with SL code.

4. At certain times such as winter, you can also use oil with code W, which means winter. You can find it on certain brands, such as the SAE 15W-50. This code indicates that the car could have SAE viscosity level at 15 degrees for cold temperatures, and 50 degrees for heat.

5. For cars that use the latest technologies such as turbo, super changer, DOHC or so, you should use synthetic oil. Latest technology machines will require better lubrication.

6. Some of you may be advised not to change the brand of oil. You are actually allowed to change the brand of oil. Only, you must ensure that you keep using the same oil viscosity level.

7. You should not add volume, or do to up the volume of oil for your engine. It is actually not good because there will be a residue that should be thrown in your old oil.

Kamis, 22 November 2012

How to Choose a Car Exhaust

Knalpot yang stylish dan modern banyak menjadi pilihan karena menyuguhkan hal yang berbeda dan tentu saja menunjukkan kesan tersendiri pada mobil anda
Exhaust standards are sometimes not enough for automotive enthusiasts. Exhaust is stylish and modern, often chosen because it presents a different and certainly showed a distinct impression on your car.

Although many variants are found qualified exhaust, there are some things you should consider in choosing exhaust. This is very important because a suitable exhaust would also be helped maintain the health of your car.

However, if you choose not exhaust fit, this will have negative effects on the health of your car. Therefore, choosing the exhaust can be a consideration you should consider carefully. Here are some ways to choose a car exhaust;

1. The first thing you notice is the exhaust and a set of pipe material used. In choosing exhaust, try to choose from high quality materials. Not only on the outside but also the inside you need to consider before you decide to buy it.

2. Should you choose to use standard exhaust material, namely stainless steel exhaust that you are strong and durable.

3. Should you choose to exhaust the design that suits your car. Many people are happy to choose exhaust that unique and modern design. However, you also need to consider the level of compatibility with your car.

4. For cars that are still manual transmission, try to pay attention to all parts of the exhaust duct, such as headers, resonator and rear muffler.

5. For matic transmission car, you actually simply replace exhaust at the headers only.

6. Note the grooves on the exhaust. Select the curve is good and who is not too extreme. Pipes rounded the curve would be better than a rectangle shaped indentation. This is very important because if you prefer a curve to a rectangle, the flow of exhaust gas from your car will be a little choked up and will give rise to the possibility to pull substandard and the reversal of the flow that would endanger your safety.

7. For those of you who like to pay attention to detail in the form of exhaust design, you should choose a design that suits your taste and of course fits your car.

8. Note also the variation in the size of the exhaust. Variations on the exhaust size typically ranges between 2.5 inches to 3.5 inches and some are up to 4 inches.

9. What if you want to opt for a racing exhaust, headers should be used must also be suitable. You can choose a header tipped wide or menyempituntuk memperceepat exhaust gas flow.

10. If necessary, you can consult with the seller or mechanical exhaust you trust.

11. If you want to change the whole exhaust your car, you should buy a full set.

Senin, 19 November 2012

Choosing a Car Audio

Perlengkapan audio canggih yang didukung dengan teknologi terbaru tentu akan memudahkan anda dalam menikmati waktu anda di depan setir mobil
Completing the facilities in your car can certainly be a nice thing. One of the most attention is to choose the audio to your car. Sophisticated Audio is supported with the latest technology, it will allow you to enjoy your time in front of the steering wheel.

For those of you who are not happy with the standard car audio system, here are some tips that you can apply in choosing a suitable car audio for your car. However, before going any further, you should know that the sophisticated audio system would also be consuming a lot of energy too. Therefore, you also need to consider energy consumption, but for a Toyota, you do not need to worry because a car of this type can facilitate you in saving energy consumption.

Here are tips on choosing a car audio;
1. The first thing you should know before choosing audio to your car is the kind of music you enjoy. For you lovers of loud music, audio has high standards may be the most suitable for you as it can spoil your ears. However, for those of you who are happy with a slow rhythm, only the standard audio probably will be enough to enjoy.

2. Before buying, make sure you recognize your own musical tastes. Are you lovers of classical music, pop, hip hop, or rock. Musical tastes of course also affects the audio system in your car.

3. If you are lover of rock music, you need an audio system are high quality. If you like hip hop music, you will probably need a sub woofer the best you can get that bass thumping out can satisfy your ears. However, if you are happy with pop music or classic style, the standard audio system alone is enough. Only, if you want to be satisfied, there is no harm in purchasing a high-quality audio system.

4. One other thing that also need to consider is the price. You need to recognize that the more expensive the price, the better the audio quality you'll use.

5. Before deciding to buy high-quality audio, determine your budget first and then try to choose the right option according to your whim.

6. Try to find a suitable audio system for your car. Do not be fixated on price. Expensive prices are good, but if it does not fit with your car, you yourself will lose. Therefore, select the audio which is really suitable for your car.

7. Make up grade the head unit if required.

8. Select the speaker which can be split. If necessary, amounting to four or more so they can maximize the sound.

9. Choose a quality power amplifier because it can deliver the sound quality of the soft and comfortable to enjoy. If necessary, attach additional sub woofer bass that thump harder.

Minggu, 18 November 2012

Choosing the Right Car Fragrances

beberapa hal yang perlu anda ketahui mengenai penyebab bau apek di dalam mobil
Musty smell sometimes become a serious problem in the car. There are a few things you should know about the cause of the musty smell in the car. The car's interior is in pristine condition is actually not enough. Most people would feel better if it had been washing their cars. However, for the interior, sometimes people do not really notice it.

This could be one cause of the musty smell in the car. Therefore, clean the interior of a car can be very helpful in removing the musty smell. Many people are considering using fragrances in the car. Choosing freshener can actually be an easy decision. However, you should think again because fragrances can affect your mood and your car's interior. Here are some tips you can employ to choose a suitable car freshener.

1. The first thing you need to consider in choosing a fragrance is about the type. Try to choose the type of fragrance in the form of presenting a fragrant aroma therapy natural, like tea, coffee, leaves like pandan leaf, or fragrances are made ​​of wood.
2. Avoid choosing a perfume with the scent of perfume striking because if posed too sharp, can cause you to feel nauseous and dizzy from inhaling too much.
3. Put perfume on places that you think has the potential to emit odors, such as baggage, seat, or the corners of your car. Some of you may be more happy to put deodorant in front of the air conditioner, but if you do not want to smell good too sharp, you can put it on the dashboard.
4. For these types of fragrances in the form of liquid is in the bottle, you should put it near the air conditioner because of the smell that will result will be more influential than simply ignored.
5. Fragrances with this type of spray, you just spray it around the room under the seat and corners. This method is considered the most powerful because the fragrance will last.
6. Try not to let you avoid that type of gel fragrances. This type of deodorant contains silicone that will affect your car's interior. silicon content in fragrance types of gel will leave a yellow stain when exposed to sunlight, what more with the car's interior made ​​of leather. In addition, the fragrances of the gel material usually can also leave a bad odor.
7. If you are forced to use a perfume made ​​from gel, do not put it near the air conditioner because it will cause the crust and also bad odor.
8. Use fragrance or perfume, car necessary. If your car is fairly fresh, you do not need to use fragrances. Use the time when you need it.
9. Do not forget to always keep the air circulation inside the car so that is always good. Frequently opening the door or window of the car at certain moments. This will help you in maintaining the circulation of air in the car.

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Eksterior Astra Toyota Agya 2013

Agya TRD-S dikembangkan dari TRD Sportivo. Jika Agya TRD Sportivo lebih memancarkan aura sporty, maka TRD-S lebih bergaya.

Eksterior Agya TRD-S menampilkan bumper depan dan belakang dengan aerokit, side skirt, serta emblem dan stiker TRD-S. Tidak ada sentuhan-sentuhan untuk interior, suspensi.

Spoiler belakang masih tetap ada. Mesin Agya TRD-S pun tetap 3-silinder 1,0 liter.
Lahirnya Agya TRD-S tidak terlepas dari ekspansi TRD (Toyota Racing Development) di mobil-mobil Toyota. Saat ini, di Indonesia, model-model yang telah mengaplikasi TRD adalah Fortuner TRD, Yaris TRD dan 86 TRD.


Sasis Transmisi 5 percepatan manual dan 4 percepatan type automatic Sistem Kemudi ; Rack dan Pinion dengan EPS (Electric Power Steering), EPS tidak saja membuat gerakan steer menjadi ringan tetapi adalah memberikan karakteristik pengemudi yang optimal sesuai dengan kecepatan dan kondimi kemudi.


Suspensi depan Macpherson Struts dengan coil spring, Kelebihan suspensi Macpherson dibandingkan Double Wisbon (terkenal nyaman) adalah Ketangguhan dan Keawetannya yang lebih baik dalam kondisi jalan yang jelek. Sehingga suspensi ini masih sangat cocok diterapkan di kebanyakan mobil di Indonesia karena karakter jalanan yang bervariasi.

Selain itu biaya perawatan suspensi Macpherson relatif lebih murah untuk ukuran pemilik mobil jenis ini, Suspensi ini adalah kompromi antara kenyamanan dan cost, mobil paling nyaman adalah yang memakai fully independen, Toyota Agya sebagai mobil perkotaan cukuplah dengan semi independent torsion axle beam. Racikan dengan coil spring akan menentukan apakah mobil ini bisa gesit di jalanan perkotaan atau tidak.

Memakai Disk Brake 13 Inchi untuk roda depan dan tromol (drum) untuk roda belakang, Kelebihan rem cakram adalah tingkat pengereman bisa mencapai 100% karena brake pad bisa seluruhnya bergesekan dengan cakram tetapi karena pemasangannyaa terbuka harus rajin membersihkan kotoran disekitar cakarm agar tidak menggores cakram yang berakibat penurunan tingkat pengereman.
Rem belakang kebanyakan mobil menggunakan tromol karena sifatnya yang tertutup sehingga bebas dari kotoran yang biasanya paling banyak pada roda belakang.
Ukuran ban Toyota Agya sama seperti yang dipakai pada Honda Brio.
Radius Putar :
Radius putar Toyota Agya sama dengan yang punya Daihatsu Ayla yang hanya 4.4 meter sangat gesit memutar di jalanan sempit perkotaan dan perumahan. Bandingkan dengan Honda Brio yang hanya 4.5 Meter, Honda All New Jazz 4.9 meter, Toyota Yaris dan Suzuki Swift 4.7 meter.
Air Bag Toyota Agya

Ini baru gebrakan Toyota karena akhirnya menyematkan 2 SRS air bag di semua line up Toyota Agya, hal ini belum dilakukan sekalipun di semua Line Up Toyota Innova. Kelihatannya Toyota ingin berkomitmen kepada fitur keselamatan mobil yang bakal banyak dibeli oleh pemakai pertama sebuah mobil.

Memang Toyota Agya dirancang dan disediakan bagi masyarakat yang hijrah dari kendaraan roda dua ke kendaraan roda empat, sehingga faktor keselamatan sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengantisipasi pola perubahan cara mengemudi motor ke mobil. Atau memang Toyota mulai memperhatikan semua sektor line upnya dengan futir keselamatan yang memadai.
Toyota Agya dilengkapi dengan 2 SRS air bag yaitu Driver/Sopir Air Bag dan Front Passenger Air Bag.
Cara kerja sebuah air bag adalah : 
  • Jika terjadi tabrakan depan, maka kecenderungan sopir dan penumpang depan akan terlempar ke depan sehingga benturan kepada kaca depan dan dashboard mobil tak terhindarkan. Dengan air bag maka sopir dan penumpang depan akan tertahan oleh air bag yang memgembang sehingga cedera parah akan terhindarkan.
  • Air bag berisi gas nitrogen terkompresi, jika sensor yang mendeteksi perlambatan terntentu yang ekstrem (karena tabrakan) bekerja maka akan mengaktifkan sebuah inflator sehingga memicu proses pengelembungan air bag.
  • Air bag akan banyak membantu menyelematkan pengemudi dan penumpang depan jika keduanya dalam posisi seat belt dipakai. Air bag tidak akan efektif jika seat belt tidak dipakai.
Sementara itu, varian High Grade (G), menonjolkan tampilan eksterior yang dilengkapi dengan chrome pada grill radiator dan molding pelindung samping. Tampilan High Grade semakin mewah dengan desain pegangan pintu luar dan spoiler belakang yang lebih sporty.
Dari tampilan eksterior, Toyota Agya dilengkapi dengan lampu belakang dengan kombinasi desain yang unik, bumper yang unik dan front air spats untuk membantu meningkatkan efisiensi aerodinamis dan bahan bakar (kecuali Medium-Grade).
TRD S dan High Grade (G) akan menonjolkan spoiler belakang dengan desain yang Sporty, electric outer mirror, desain chrome door outside handle dan side protective moulding, 6 spoke alloy wheel 175/65 R14, headlamp, serta foglamp dengan aksesoris krom pada Agya TRD S dan G Grade.

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Tips on How to Modify Your Car

Modifikasi mobil dapat menjadi gaya hidup dan mempercantik tampilan mobil yang anda miliki
Modified cars can become a way of life and enhance the look of the car you have. For some people, a car modification is to be done so that they can be the center of attention, whether they are driving or when parked somewhere. In addition to beautifying the appearance of their cars, modifications can also improve the performance of their cars.

Modifications can be made ​​as desired. Some people choose to modify some parts of the car that they think is not good, to be better. However, there are some people who modify their cars with a total so that the original form of the car we can hardly recognize.

In modifying the car, it all depends on the wishes of the owner of the car. One thing that is important in influencing car owners to modify their car is the budget. In modifying the car, of course, cost is not cheap. Decorations car modification can be high priced by the seller. Moreover, when these components is becoming a trend and is very difficult to obtain. Hence, can not be denied that the price of these components will be very high. Here are some quick tips on car modifications you can do:

- Define your style modification. Before you modify your car, decide which style would you choose for your modifications. if you want to modify the style of vintage, classic, and modern.
- Select the component you want to modify. Make sure you plan any components that you want to modify according to your style. Do you want to modify the interior alone, or along with the interior of your car sound system.
- Determine the budget you have. Make sure you have a budget plan that would you spend to modify your car. If you do not make the right budget, the modification will be stopped in the middle of the road and this will make your car look more ugly than the beginning.

If you want to modify appropriately, you can choose a modification of the original Toyota. Modification of the original Toyota will not make your vehicle performance decreases. With a formal modification of the manufacturer, you will get a mix of beauty cars that have been modified, and ensure reliable performance. We all know that Toyota is a reliable car in all terrain.

Therefore, we do not need to modify too much. Enough with the appropriate modifications to the components that have been issued by Toyota officially licensed, then your car will look more beautiful without having to worry about the performance of the car. Appropriate modifications to the original components from Toyota, will make your Toyota car better. We take it for instance, Toyota Yaris series, we attach original parts manufactured by Toyota. Obviously this will make your car look nicer.

Rabu, 14 November 2012

Choosing The Right Tires When Rainy Season

Memilih Ban saat Musim Hujan Tiba
Today we are facing the rainy season. In some parts of Indonesia, has started to rain heavily every day. Rain certainly hamper the activities we are. We know that when it rains, then our activities will automatically be disturbed because we can not go anywhere freely. However, the rain does not mean all the activities we have planned to stop completely. We can anticipate rain wise manner so that we can still indulge rainy season arrives. Leisure driving course will be reduced when it rains, especially for us Indonesian people who mostly use their car as a means of transportation.

You also need to consider what type of tires your car before you drive away. We all know that the rain will cause roads to become more slippery. With over slippery road conditions, you will be more difficult to drive, that's the proper tire so you need to drive. Here are things you need to consider in choosing a tire when the rainy season arrives:

- The tire softness. Level of softness tires greatly affect the traction your tires against asphalt. The softer tire will have a stronger grip than a tire that has a hard surface.
- The pattern on the tires you have. Unidirectional pattern that will help you to break up standing water and also as a unidirectional flow of rain water to flow while you are driving.
- The size of the tire. Tire size is very influential on tire traction as well. If you choose to have a small tire, then chances are you are going to be very big slip. You will more easily slip when you choose tires that are smaller when the rains come.
- The depth of the tire pattern you choose. The depth of the pattern on the tires affect the flow of water that you go through when you are driving.

If you want a good tire in the rain, you can select an existing tire on Toyota cars. Toyota has designed carefully to their cars in order to survive in any weather conditions, including in the rainy season. With a good blend between the tire with excellent quality and a recalcitrant engine, then you will still be able to do all sorts of activity. So a few things you need to consider before choosing the right tire for driving during the rainy season arrives. Rains will not impede your activities if you choose the right tires for your vehicle. With the right tires and the right car like a Toyota, you will be able to drive your vehicle more comfortable and safer. So, what should you waiting for?

Senin, 12 November 2012

Interior Astra Toyota Agya 2013

Interior Astra Toyota Agya - Daihatsu Ayla
Astra Toyota Agya tersedia dalam tiga pilihan tipe, yaitu; Grade E, Grade G dan juga veris TRD S. Pada tipe Grade G, pada eksteriornya memiliki balutan warna chrome pada grille dan handle pintu serta terdapat side skirt yang menjadikan tampilannya lebih sporty dibanding tipe grade E.

Toyota Agya TRD S memiliki tampilan yang berbeda, dengan kesan sporty lebih kuat. Perbedaan luar dapat dilihat dari desain tambahan pada bibir bumper depan serta bentuk bumper belakang yang berbeda. Side skirt lebih sporty dan terdapat logo TRD S pada dua sisi bawah pintu belakang.

Interior kabin Toyota Agya dihiasi dengan lapisan aksen krom
Interior kabin Toyota Agya dihiasi dengan lapisan aksen krom pada beberapa permukaan, seperti tombol AC, lis panel meter, lis tuas erm parkir dan tongkat transmisi, serta tuas handling pintu.

Joknya dilapisi kain fabric lengkap dengan sandaran kepala yang bisa dilepas. Dan yang lebih menarik, semua tipe mobil Toyota Agya ini sudah dipasangi dengan SRS airbag. Jadi lebih aman kalau (amit-amit) terjadi kecelakaan. Ini perbedaan mendasar dengan Astra Daihatsu Ayla. Ayla tidak memiliki airbag.

Seat belt di kursi belakang pun sudah menjadi fitur standar. Kelengkapan standar Toyota Agya adalah sistem rem cakram untuk depan, dan tromol untuk bagian belakang. Versi Grade G dan TRD S akan menggunakan velg ukuran 14 inch dengan dibalut ban ukuran 175/65. Sedangkan untuk Toyota Agya E akan menggunakan velg ukuran 13 inch dengan balutan ban 155/80.

Toyota Agya TRD S dan Toyota Agya tipe G
Spionnya sudah elektrik, jadi bisa diatur sendiri dari dalam kabin (kecuali tipe E).

Untuk audio, Toyota Agya sudah mengusung audio 2 DIN yang bisa memutar CD/MP3/USB dan aux. Khusus tipe E audionya hanya 1 DIN.

Toyota Agya sudah mengusung audio 2 DIN yang bisa memutar CD/MP3/USB dan aux

Minggu, 11 November 2012

Things to Consider For Before Buying Used Cars

Dalam membeli mobil, apabila anggaran anda kurang mencukupi, anda dapat memilih untuk membeli mobil bekas
Buying a car is that you may need if you want to have a more convenient means of transportation. In choosing the right car, the first thing you need to do is take into account the budget you have to you can use to buy a car.

In buying a car, if your budget is not adequate, you can choose to buy a used car. Today, buying a used car is not a bad choice. You can buy a used car with conditions that are unsuitable for use, so you can use the car comfortably.

Unlike new cars that are still in very good condition when you bought it, used car has been in use for some time, so the chances of one of the components in the car is damaged, it is very large.

To avoid losses you might receive, you need to be more careful in buying used cars. Here, we will discuss a bit about a few things to note before buying a used car. In choosing the used car you want, you need to pay attention to the car body.

Body of the car is an important component that you need to consider before buying a used car you choose. Before you buy a used car, you need to check your car's body is. Make sure the body of the car itself is not in the former dents or patches of putty.

To check for a used car body you choose, it is simple. You can strum the car body using your hands. Listen to the sound of knocking. The car is still original, is a car with a body that meets the following criteria:

- It reads loud when tapped.
- Paint color is still the same in all parts of the car.
- The paint is still original suit factory default.

If you want a used car that meets the above criteria, then the body of the car is still quite good. Another thing you need to consider as well is the car engine. Make sure all parts of the machine in normal circumstances. Used car that still has a good condition, which many in the market, are the cars produced by Toyota.

Car with the Toyota brand is famous stubborn and have a stable sales prices. We'll see an example, Toyota Kijang any series, Toyota Avanza, etc.. The cars even though the former condition still remains a hunt many people who want to have a used car with good quality.

In addition to good quality, car produced by Toyota is also known as the spare parts are still available for any type. Although the car that you have is a year-old car output, auto parts are still available on the market. So you do not have to worry if one day your car is damaged.

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Find a New Car For Family

Cari Mobil Baru Untuk Keluarga
If you thoughts to find a new car for his beloved family, then immediately go to the nearest Toyota dealer and pick one of the most suitable car for you. There are many types of cars are issued, by this leading automobile manufacturers.

Among the famous brands like Innova, Avanza, Yaris, Rush, Fortuner, Vios and others. Among the many brands of cars released by Toyota, of course, there is one that interests you. Toyota is more widely issued variants family car, which means it is designed specifically for traveling, on vacation or for a family with a capacity of 6-8 people.

For the best family car, choose Toyota Kijang Innova. Certainly if the engine is very tough, stubborn and well-known economical compared to other brands of cars. Also the price is also very competitive. Do not worry about the quality, because it was a long time ago, Toyota issued several generations of cars with significant improvements. For Avanza itself, has been through several stages before reaching the generations of Toyota Avanza with a new type as it exists today.

Of all types of Toyota Avanza, Kijang Innova and others, have differences in each year of manufacture. Only, the difference is gradually increased from year to year, so you do not have to worry that there is something bad on the type of new car you buy. For the convenience of your beloved family, then Toyota is the best option. In addition to a variety of car types, there are many attractive sales programs. The dealer is also already available in each city in Indonesia, which would be easier for you to maintain and repair your car. Schedule service that has been arranged in the guide book as well as the advantages that exist only in the Toyota. So everything is on the set for your convenience. If you want a car that features comfort and also with high technology, the Toyota Alphard could be one of the best options.

Price was always adjusting to the quality and comfort that you will get. Toyota has never disappoint the consumer because of the facilities and the quality of cars purchased. All are very well standardized, and also in accordance with the safety standards that have been set.

Brosur Astra Toyota Agya 2013

Brosur Astra Toyota Agya
Brosur Toyota Agya
Brosur Agya Toyota
* Klik Gambar untuk memperbesar

Rabu, 07 November 2012

Used Car Maintenance Tips

Tips Perawatan Mobil Bekas
Having a car that was issued by large companies such as Toyota has become a matter of pride. As we know if Toyota's car output is famous for its strong durability and also with a recalcitrant engine. Not only for new cars, Toyota any brand with the former condition and still has many takers. For example, Kijang Innova, which is a favorite for those who need a family car. This car has a strong resistance. Rarely is broken and does not spend a lot of money to maintain.

For treatment of new cars and used cars is a little different, and we will discuss the second, tips on caring for your used car. Having a used car with the Toyota brand of course be a matter of pride. While other people are hunting but you even have it. Toyota used car maintenance for any type is not difficult. You just need to pay attention to the condition of oil in the car that had to be replaced regularly in order to stay healthy engine maintained. Oli car there so many kinds:

- There is engine oil
- There is steer oil
- There is a power steering oil
- There is oil power window

And other types. Therefore, note the date limit of each oil and replace it in time. The second thing you should notice is the maintenance on the vehicle battery. Cars must use any kind of battery. Do not forget to check your car battery so dry. If dry it will be damaged and require no small cost. If you do not want trouble then you can choose a dry battery that can last up to 4 years. In addition to oil and batteries, there are other things you should consider, namely the state of the fan belt which often damaged or even broken. When there is a loud buzzing noise from the front of the hood then chances are your broken fan belt. Also do not forget to take care of the state of the wheel. Toyota car known strong and rarely had problems with the wheels. Only when the age of the car is getting old, then condition the wheels and also the place where the wheel is mounted should be a concern. Although the Toyota cars that you have is a used car, but love your car and treat it well.

Do not forget to always make sure, if the water radiator is always within the limits should be. Also for the condition of the brake and clutch linings do not get out, because it will make the metal around it becomes worn or damaged. Checking the state of the machine to perform routine service also good tips for caring for your used car. It is not possible if your used car is more look like new than a new car out of the dealer.

Selasa, 06 November 2012

Most Popular Car Brand Among Young People

Toyota - Mereka Paling Diminati Anak Muda
What is the first brand that comes to mind of a young child? The answer is Toyota. At least that's what Toyota achieved a Top of Mind Brand for vehicle on the young men categories. HAI Brand Awards Youth Award 2012 is given in conjunction with the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the magazine.

Holding international independent survey agency, IPSOS, the organizers held a survey involving more than 2,000 respondents in 10 major cities in Indonesia. The survey produces the Toyota brand vehicles most memorable and sought by Indonesian boys.

"We are grateful for the accomplishments achieved by Toyota as Top of Mind Brand for Car category. This achievement can not be separated from the support of the media who helped publicize the activities undertaken by Toyota so Toyota name can be properly embedded in the minds of consumers, "said GM Corporate Planning and Public Relations PT. Toyota Astra Motor, Widyawati Soedigdo.

Various activities related to youth done by Toyota, such as the Toyota Technical Education Programme (T-TEP) which has been running since 1991. T-TEP is a human resource development program, especially the SMK students, in order to meet the qualification standards of the industry. In addition to providing academic assistance, Toyota is also providing assistance in the form of supporting devices such as mechanical equipment to the display unit.

Toyota also has a program in the form of awareness of the environment to instill and enhance the awareness of the younger generation will be named the Toyota Eco Youth Programme. This program, implemented since 2005, is intended to create schools as a role model for learning environments for schools and the surrounding environment.

Toyota also has a container program of positive youth expression through modification of the Toyota Yaris Yaris Show Off event which has been running for 6 years. Yaris Show Off Event held in 10 major cities in Indonesia and continued to have a modifier-modifier creative every year.

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Toyota Sudah Menjual 7.4 Juta Mobil

Toyota sudah menjual 7.4 juta mobil tahun ini
Pabrik-pabrik mobil Toyota harus bekerja dengan kapasitas penuh untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat. Hampir di seluruh dunia, penjualan Toyota meningkat. Hingga akhir September penjualan Toyota mencapai 7.4 juta unit atau meningkat 28% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu.

Tahun lalu menjadi tahun yang berat bagi Toyota, karena bencana gempa dan banjir di Jepang dan Thailand menghancurkan jaringan pemasoknya sehingga menyulitkan Toyota untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar.

Kepercayaan dan loyalitas konsumen membantu Toyota untuk melesat cepat tahun ini. Bahkan lebih cepat dari penjualan General Motors yang tahun lalu menjadi produsen yang paling banyak menjual mobil. Hingga akhir September, GM menjual sekitar 6.95 juta unit di seluruh dunia, atau meningkat 2.5% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu.

Jurubicara GM, Jim Cain mengatakan kepada Detroit Free Press, pihaknya saat ini lebih focus pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk mencetak profit, bukan mengejar gelar perusahaan otomotif terbesar di dunia.

Sejarah mencatat, General Motors adalah produsen mobil terbesar di dunia selama 70 tahun. Prestasinya itu merentang sejak sebelum PD II hingga 2008, saat Toyota mengambil alih gelar tersebut. Tahun lalu, GM kembali merebut gelar itu, namun tampaknya tahun ini pabriknya yang bermarkas di Detroit itu, sekali lagi harus mengakui dominasi Toyota.

Namun di sisi lain, Toyota juga menghadapi ancaman penurunan penjualan di China akibat gerakan protes anti Jepang pada triwulan terakhir tahun ini. Namun sangat sulit bagi GM untuk mengejar selisih penjualan 450.000 unit yang ada saat ini.

Salah satu model terpenting Toyota adalah Camry. Toyota memprediksi mid-size sedan ini kembali menjadi sedan paling laris di Amerika Serikat. Jika hal itu tercapai, itu artinya Camry menjadi sedan keluarga paling laris di Amerika selama 11 tahun berturut-turut.

Toyota menargetkan penjualan Camry di Amerika Serikat hingga akhir tahun mencapai 400.000 unit dan hingga September sudah mencapai 314,788 unit atau naik 37% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Selisih dengan competitor terdekatnya sebanyak 62.000 unit.

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