Rabu, 04 November 2009

Membuka Kap Mesin Toyota Avanza

Opening The Engine Hood of Toyota New Avanza
Harga Avanza 2011
Opening The Engine Hood of Toyota New Avanza

To open the hood:

1. Pull the hood lock lever liberator. Hood will be raised slightly.

2. From the front of the vehicle, pull upward on the lever hook aids, and lift up the hood.

3. Hold the hood kept open by inserting the support rod into the slot.

To insert the support rod into the slot, move straight up. If it is moved to the side or forward in the vehicle, the possibility can become loose.

Before closing the hood, check that you do not leave any tools, rags, etc. in the engine room, and return the support rod into klipnya - this is to prevent noise.
Then lower the hood, make sure that he had been locked in place. If necessary, press gently on the front edge, to lock it.

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